Russia / Kazakhstan

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Treatment of Neurosis, tachycardia, insomnia, hypertension, intestinal colic 1 bottle 25 ml Phar..
Action: anti-catarrhal; anti-inflammatory; astringent; stimulant; to the liver to remove toxins f..
Used to treat morning sickness, nausea, and spastic complaints of the gastrointestinal tract, gal..
The birch species are used in folk remedies for abdominal and mammary cancers and carcinomas and ..
The drug is used in the following conditions: Avitaminosis PP; Ischemic dysfunctions of cerebral ..
10 ampoules 2 ml Pharmacological properties Local anesthetic agent with mild anesthetic activity a..
neurasthenia, anhypnosis, depression 1 bottle 50 ml ..
Tilia cordata flowers are a traditional herbal remedy (linden flower tea), considered to be of va..