The nervous system controls our movements, feelings, behavior. Clinical manifestations depend on the location (localization) and the prevalence of lesions. Peripheral nerves conduct impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles of the head, neck, trunk and limbs (movement). Diseases of the nervous system may occur due to various reasons - trauma, vascular lesions, tumors, and various degenerative lesions, the effects of infections, intrauterine lesion, complicated deliveries, etc. Many neurological diseases are hereditary. You can buy neurology and psychiatry medicines online at
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Semax 0.1% 3ml #1 On Recertification
Semax 0.1% 3 ml (1 vial) Dosage: nasal drops 0.1% Description: Colorless clear liquid. Pharma..
Semax 1% 3 ml (1 vial) Dosage: nasal drops 1% Description: Colorless clear liquid. Pharmacotherape..
Sonapax Indication: For the treatment of schizophrenia and generalized anxiety disorder60 tablets..
Sonapax Indication: For the treatment of schizophrenia and generalized anxiety disorder.60 tablet..
Symptomatic treatment of functional asthenia.18 packs (powder)..
Indications: Treatment of major depressive disorder; Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders ..
Indications: Labyrinthopaty, vascular vestibulopathy, Meniere’s disease; prevention and treatment..
30 tablets 40mg Pharmacological Effects: Herbal preparation, action which is due to the abilit..
ditions, found that Tanakan does not have teratogenic effects. Consequently, the permitted use of..
Indication: Alcohol Withdrawal; Anxiety; Benign Essential Tremor; Burning Mouth Syndrome; Diabeti..
Topamax is used to control seizures. This medication is also used to prevent migraine headaches a..
Trental is indicated in the following conditions: Aterosclerotic encephalopathy; Ischemic cerebra..
Valerian root extract is the natural way to unwind, relax and get a good night’s sleep. It contai..
Valerian root extract is the natural way to unwind, relax and get a good night’s sleep.50 tablets..
10 ampoules Pharmacological Effects:  The drug improves blood flow to the brain, particul..