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  • Longidaza injection (intramuscular) 3000ME #5

    Manufacturer: Russia
    Product Code: 905
    Availability: In Stock
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    Longidaza injection 5 ampoules

    The preparation of proteolytic activity. It has a proteolytic enzyme (gialuronidaznoy) activity with prolonged action, chelating, antioxidant, immunomodulatory and moderate, anti-inflammatory action.

    Pharmacological action:
    Longidaza - conjugate proteolytic enzyme hyaluronidase with a macromolecular carrier - the substance group of N-oxide, poly-1,4-etilenpiperazina. Longidaza has pharmacological properties inherent drugs with hyaluronidase activity. In particular drug Longidaza has a pronounced anti, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and chelating action.
    Specific substrates for hyaluronidase are glycosaminoglycans (particularly chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin-6-sulfate and chondroitin-4-sulfate) - substance of the connective tissue. As a consequence there is a decrease in viscosity of glycolysis glycosaminoglycans, the ability to bind metal ions and water, thus increases the permeability and trophic tissues, reduces the severity of swelling and bruising, increases the elasticity of scar areas and eliminated adhesions and contractures and improves joint mobility. The most pronounced effect of the drug gives Longidaza in the initial stages of the pathological process.

    Efficacy Longidaza significantly exceeds that of native hyaluronidase so as conjugation promotes enzyme stability to temperatures and inhibitory substances.
    Antioxidant effect of the drug due to the ability Longidaza active substance to bind the released iron ions that activate free-radical reactions, synthesis of collagen stimulators and inhibitors of hyaluronidase. Polytropic properties of the drug sold in antifibrotic action that proved biochemical, electron microscopy and histological studies on the model of pulmonary fibrosis.
    Longidaza regulates the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, weakens during the acute phase of inflammation, stimulates humoral immunity and increases the body's resistance to infections.

    The drug does not worsen postoperative course, does not cause the progression of infection, do not adversely affect the recovery of bone tissue. These properties allow us to use the drug Longidaza as a means of prevention of rough scarring and adhesions after surgery.
    With simultaneous parenteral administration of the drug Longidaza enhances the absorption of other drugs and accelerates the action of local anesthetics.
    Longidaza slightly toxic drug that does not affect the normal function of the immune and reproductive systems. Longidaza not mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects.

    For parenteral administration, the active ingredient Longidaza drug is rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation, reaching a peak in the plasma for 20-25 minutes. The half-life of the active component when administered intramuscularly reaches 36 hours after subcutaneous injection - 45 hours. The bioavailability of the drug when administered parenterally as high as 90%.
    The active ingredient of the drug penetrates the blood-Longidaza, the blood-brain barrier, and ophthalmic.
    Hyaluronidase is hydrolyzed in the body, the vehicle breaks down to oligomers and excreted by the kidneys in two phases. Fully Longidaza drug excreted from the body within 4-5 days after parenteral administration.

    Indications for use:
    Powder for solution for parenteral use Longidaza used in complex therapy of patients suffering from diseases that are accompanied by hyperplasia of the connective tissue. In particular drug Longidaza apply:
    In gynecological practice in adhesions in the pelvis, which are accompanied by inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs (including the intrauterine adhesions, tubal-peritoneal infertility and chronic endometritis).
    In urological practice in chronic prostatitis and interstitial cystitis.

    In surgical practice, adhesions after surgery on the abdomen, hypertrophic scars after burns, injuries, operations, pyoderma, and nonhealing wounds.
    In dermatovenereological and cosmetic practice with limited scleroderma, emerging, keloid and hypertrophic scars after pyoderma, operations, injuries and burns.
    In pulmonology practice and Tuberculosis at pnevmoskleroze, cavernous fibrosis or infiltrative tuberculosis, tuberculoma, fibrosing alveolitis.

    In orthopedics with joint contractures, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis and bruises.
    Also, the drug can be used to Longidaza increase the bioavailability of antimicrobial agents and local anesthetics in urological, gynecological, pulmonology and dermatovenereological practice.
    The drug Longidaza to address the doctor may be appointed as a prevention of scarring and stricture after surgery.

    How to use:
    Longidaza powder for solution for parenteral use. The prepared solution for administration intramuscularly, intradermally and subcutaneously. Prohibited intravenous solution Longidaza. Subcutaneously, usually the solution is injected near the site of the lesion or under the scar tissue.
    To prepare the solution in a vial add 1.0-2.0 mL 0.25-0.5% solution of procaine (intolerance to procaine should be replaced 0.9% sodium chloride or water for injection). When preparing a solution for improving the bioavailability of drugs will dissolve in the contents of the vial 2 ml (3000 IU) or 1 ml (1500 IU) of isotonic sodium chloride solution. The solvent must be administered slowly into the bottle, after a few minutes, the solution was stirred gently, not shaking (rapid introduction of a solvent or shaking the vial may cause foaming protein). Ready solution is used immediately, store ready solution prohibited.
    Duration of therapy and dose Longidaza determined by the physician.

    Preventive doses:
    As a precaution, the formation of adhesions and scarring after surgery is usually prescribed medication administering 3,000 IU Longidaza 1 every 72 hours. Total course dose is 5 injections. Depending on the risk of adhesions course dose may be increased up to 10 injections (in this case, injection should be performed at intervals of 5 days).

    Therapeutic doses:
    In gynecological practice in the adhesive process is usually prescribed to 3,000 IU of the drug Longidaza intramuscularly every 3-5 days. The total course dose is 10-15 injections.
    In gynecological practice in the tubal-peritoneal infertility is usually prescribed to 3,000 IU of the drug Longidaza intramuscularly every 3 days, after 5 injections interval between injections was increased to 5 days. The total course dose is 15 injections.
    In urological practice in chronic prostatitis and interstitial cystitis is usually prescribed to 3,000 IU of the drug Longidaza intramuscularly 1 time in 5 days. The total course dose is 10-15 injections.
    In surgical practice with adhesive disease after surgery are usually given 3,000 IU of the drug Longidaza intramuscularly 1 time in 3-5 days. The total course dose is 10-15 injections.

    In surgical practice with nonhealing wounds are usually given 3000 IU drug Longidaza intramuscularly 1 time in 5 days. The total course dose is 5-10 injections.
    In dermatovenereological and cosmetic practice, limited scleroderma is usually prescribed for 3000-4500 IU Longidaza drug intramuscularly 1 time in 3-5 days. Total course is up to 20 injections.
    In dermatovenereological and cosmetic practice in keloids, hypertrophic scars, and formed after burns, wounds and pyoderma is usually prescribed for 3000-4500 IU subcutaneously or drug Longidaza vnutrirubtsovo 1 every 3 days. Total course is up to 15 injections. The course can be increased up to 25 injections must increase the interval between injections to 5 days. By decision of the physician can alternate vnutrirubtsovoe and intramuscular injection of the drug Longidaza.

    In practice, pulmonology and TB usually appoint 3,000 IU drug Longidaza intramuscularly 1 time in 5 days. Total course pnevmoskleroze dose of 10 injections, with fibrosing alveolitis - 15 injections with further maintenance therapy (1 introduction to the course of 10 days to 25 injections), tuberculosis - 25 injection (with a possible extension up to 6-12 months of therapy with the introduction of 3,000 IU drug Longidaza 1 every 10 days).
    In orthopedic practice, joint contractures, bruises, osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondyloarthrosis usually given 3,000 IU subcutaneous drug Longidaza near defeat 1 every 3 days. The total course dose is 5-15 injections. If necessary, the course of therapy extend, increasing the interval between injections to 5 days.

    To increase the bioavailability of the drug Longidaza 1500 IU administered 10-15 minutes prior to the introduction of the main drug in the same place as the original drug.
    Prohibited the introduction of the drug Longidaza in areas with acute infectious inflammation.
    When skipping doses it must be entered as soon as possible, but do not double the dose Longidaza.
    In severe chronic productive processes in the connective tissue after a standard course of treatment prescribed long-term maintenance therapy (3000 IU drug Longidaza 1 every 10-14 days).
    Patients with renal impairment should not be given more than 3,000 IU of the drug Longidaza a week.

    Side effects:
    In applying the drug Longidaza patients may develop local or systemic allergic reactions. In applying the solution for injection Longidaza patients also may develop in the form of local reactions at the injection site pain, redness, itching and swelling at the injection site. Local reactions usually require no discontinuation and independently tested within 24-72 hours.

    The drug Longidaza not used to treat patients with a known hypersensitivity to the components of the powder for solution for injection.
    The drug Longidaza not apply for the treatment of patients with malignant tumors, and severe renal impairment.
    Should not be administered to patients with drug Longidaza pulmonary hemorrhage, hemoptysis, acute forms of infectious diseases, as well as recent vitreous hemorrhage.

    In the pediatric powder for solution for injection Longidaza not apply.
    Precautions should be prescribed the drug Longidaza patients with renal insufficiency and patients who have in recent times been bleeding.

    The drug Longidaza not used in the therapy of pregnant and lactating women.
    If you avoid the use of the drug Longidaza during lactation can not be interrupted breastfeeding.

    Interaction with other drugs:
    Longidaza potentiates the action of antimicrobial agents, local anesthetics and diuretics in the combined use.
    With simultaneous use of high doses of salicylates, cortisone, estrogen, adrenocorticotropic hormone and antihistamines reduce the effectiveness of the drug Longidaza.
    Not recommended simultaneous use of the drug Longidaza with furosemide, phenytoin, and benzodiazepines.

    In the application of excessive doses Longidaza patients may develop a fever, dizziness, fever, and lower blood pressure.
    No specific antidote. With the development of signs of overdose should discontinue the drug Longidaza and, if necessary, a symptomatic therapy.

    Lyophilized powder for solution for parenteral administration by Longidaza 15mg (1500 IU of active substance) and 20 mg (3,000 IU of active substance), in ampoules or dark glass bottles in a carton box 5 ampoules or vials enclosed in packaging made of a contoured polymeric materials.

    Storage conditions:
    Longidaza drug should be stored in rooms with ambient temperature from 8 to 15 degrees Celsius for up to 2 years after graduation.
    Ready solution for parenteral use Longidaza not be stored.

    1 bottle (vial) with powder for solution for parenteral use of the drug Longidaza contains:
    A copolymer of a conjugate of hyaluronidase (N-oxide and 1,4-etilenpiperazin (N-carboxymethyl) -1,4-etilenpiperaziniya bromide) - 1500 IU or 3,000 IU; Additional substances.

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