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  • Berlition (Berlithion) 600mg amp. #5

    Manufacturer: Germany
    Product Code: 1210
    Availability: In Stock
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    Berlition - alpha-lipoic acid preparation for the correction of body changes associated with high serum iron content
    5 ampoules 

    Pharmachologic effect:
    Berlition - a drug containing alpha-lipoic acid. The active ingredient of the drug - vitamin-like substance formed in the organism. Alpha-lipoic (thioctic acid) serves as a coenzyme in the oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids. In patients with diabetes drug helps to change the pyruvic acid in blood plasma. Berlition The drug prevents the formation of glucose in the blood vessels of matrix proteins, the formation of end products of glycosylation, endoneural improves blood flow and stimulates the production of glutathione - the antioxidant substances. As a result of such action Berlition improves the function of peripheral nerves in patients with diabetic sensory polyneuropathy. In addition, thioctic acid improves liver function in patients with liver disease.

    For oral application thioctic acid is readily absorbed in the digestive tract. The absolute bioavailability of oral dosage forms of alpha-lipoic acid is 20% (compared to parenteral administration) due to the fact that in order to thioctic acid, characterized by first-pass effect through the liver. Peak plasma concentrations of the active ingredient is noted after 30 minutes. The half-life of about 25 minutes. Write mainly kidneys as metabolites, a small portion appears unchanged.
    In vitro alpha-lipoic acid forms compounds with metal ions, and the sparingly soluble complexes with sugar molecules.

    Indications for use:
    The drug Berlition is used mainly for the treatment of patients with diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy, which is accompanied by paresthesias.
    The drug can also be administered to patients with liver disease of varying severity.

    Mode of application:
    Capsules and film-coated tablets:
    Intended for oral use. It is forbidden to chew or crush the capsules and tablets. The daily dose administered thioctic acid at a time, it is recommended to take the drug 30 minutes before the morning meal. In order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect should follow the recommendations for receiving the drug. The preparation usually takes a long period of time, determines the treatment physician.
    Adults with diabetic polyneuropathy is usually recommended to take 600 mg of thioctic acid (2 tablets of the drug Berlition inhabited the Aural or 2 capsules of the drug Berlition 300 Berlition or 1 capsule of 600 drug) per day.
    Adults with liver disease is usually recommended appointment 600-1200mg thioctic acid a day.
    In severe diseases it is recommended to start therapy with a parenteral application forms.

    Concentrate for solution for infusion:
    The content of the ampoule is designed for the preparation of the infusion solution. The solvent is allowed to use only 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Ready solution is administered intravenously, closing the vial with aluminum foil to prevent exposure to sunlight. 250ml of the prepared solution should be administered for at least 30 minutes.
    Adults with severe diabetic polyneuropathy is usually recommended the appointment of thioctic acid 300-600mg (1-2 ampules drug Berlition 300 or 1 vial of the drug Berlition 600) per day.
    Adults with severe liver disease is usually recommended appointment 600-1200mg thioctic acid a day.
    Therapy with parenteral forms of preparation is carried out for no more than 2-4 weeks, then move on to oral thioctic acid.
    With the introduction of the drug infusion there is a risk of anaphylactic shock, the development of itching, weakness, or nausea, stop administering the drug. During infusion, the patient should be under constant supervision of medical staff.
    Patients with diabetic polyneuropathy should maintain an optimal blood glucose level (including, if necessary to adjust the dose of hypoglycemic drugs).

    Side effects:
    Perhaps the development of adverse effects with the drug Berlition:
    On the part of the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, abnormal stools, dyspepsia, altered taste.
    On the part of the central and peripheral nervous system: after a rapid intravenous administration noted the development of a sense of gravity in the head, seizures and double vision.
    Cardio-vascular system: after a rapid intravenous administration noted the development of tachycardia, flushing of the face and upper body, as well as pain and tightness in the chest.
    Allergic reactions: skin rash, pruritus, urticaria, eczema. In some cases, especially when high doses of the drug may anaphylactic shock.
    Other: possible development of hypoglycemia symptoms, including excessive sweating, headaches, blurred vision and dizziness. In some cases, the application of thioctic acid noted shortness of breath, and thrombocytopenia purpura.
    At the beginning of drug therapy in patients with polyneuropathy may be some gain paresthesia with the feeling "goose bumps."

    Berlition is not indicated for patients with individual hypersensitivity to alpha-lipoic acid and other ingredients.
    Children under the age of 18, as well as pregnant and lactating women should not be given the drug Berlition.
    Tablets Berlition 300 inhabited the Aural not used for the treatment of patients suffering from disorders of glucose-galactose absorption, lactase deficiency and galactosemia.
    Berlition capsules should not be administered to patients with fructose intolerance.
    The drug is prescribed with caution to patients suffering from diabetes mellitus (requires regular monitoring of blood glucose).

    Berlition is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women as well as the data on its effects on the fetus and neonate are absent.

    Interaction with other drugs:
    It prohibited the use of ethyl alcohol during therapy with Berlition.
    Alpha-lipoic acid reduces the effectiveness of the combined use tsisplastina.
    The drug can increase the effect of hypoglycemic agents. When administering the drug to patients suffering from diabetes must monitor blood glucose levels and, if necessary to adjust the dose of antidiabetic drugs.
    Thioctic acid compound forms a complex with calcium, as well as metals, including magnesium and iron. Reception preparations containing these elements, as well as the consumption of dairy products is allowed not earlier than 6-8 hours after taking the drug Berlition.

    Receiving excessive doses of the drug Berlition can lead to headaches, nausea and vomiting. With further increase of the dose develops confusion and agitation. Receiving more than 10 g of alpha-lipoic acid can lead to severe poisoning, including fatal. The severity of the poisoning of alpha-lipoic acid may increase the combined reception Berlition drug with ethanol. In severe intoxication thioctic acid patients experienced the development of generalized seizures, lactic acidosis, decrease in blood glucose levels, hemolysis, rhabdomyolysis, reduced bone marrow function, as well as disseminated intravascular coagulation, multiple organ failure and shock.

    No specific antidote. When receiving excessive doses hospitalization. When poisoning with oral forms of the drug prescribed gastric lavage and receive enterosorbents. In severe overdose of the drug Berlition is recommended to conduct intensive therapy, or whenever necessary spend symptomatic therapy.
    The effectiveness of hemodialysis and hemofiltration at the poisoning of alpha-lipoic acid has not been studied.

    Product form:
    Concentrate for solution for infusion administration of a 24ml glass ampoules dark at 5 or 10 vials placed in a cardboard box.
    Concentrate for solution for infusion administration of a 12ml glass ampoules dark at 5, 10 or 20 vials placed in a cardboard box.
    Film-coated tablets, Berlition 300 inhabited the Aural of 10 pieces in the plate (contour cellular packaging), for 3 plates, placed in a cardboard box.
    Soft gelatin capsules by 15 pieces in the plate (contour cellular packaging), for 1 or 2 plates, placed in a cardboard box.

    Storage conditions:
    Concentrate for solution for infusion is fit for 3 years when stored away from direct sunlight in a dry place with a temperature between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius. Ready solution for infusion (vial provided protection from the sun's rays) pass for 6 hours.
    Film-coated tablets, Berlition 300 inhabited the Aural are suitable for 2 years if stored in a dry place at a temperature between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius.
    soft capsules should be stored in a dry place with a temperature no higher than 30 degrees Celsius. Berlition 300 Capsules are suitable for 3 years, the capsules are suitable Berlition 600 for 2.5 years.

    Espa-lipon, Tiogamma, Alpha Lipoic Acid.
    See also the list of analogues of the drug Berlition.

    1 vial of concentrate for solution for infusion contains 300 Berlition:
    Thioctic acid - 300ED;
    Additional substances.

    1 vial of concentrate for solution for infusion contains 600 Berlition:
    Thioctic acid - 600ED;
    Additional substances.

    1 soft capsule of the drug Berlition 300 includes:
    Thioctic acid - 300 mg;
    Additional materials including sorbitol.

    1 soft capsule contains a drug Berlition 600:
    Thioctic acid - 600 mg;
    Additional materials including sorbitol.

    1 film-coated tablet, the drug Berlition 300 inhabited the Aural includes:
    Thioctic acid - 300 mg;
    Additional substances including lactose monohydrate.

    Pharmacological group:
    Hormones, their analogues and anti-hormonal drugs
    Drugs based on pancreatic hormones and synthetic hypoglycemic agents
    Synthetic hypoglycemic agents

    Active substance:
    Thioctic acid

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